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Personal Trainer Certification

Become certified in an industry that you love! The NAFC Certified Personal Training program was developed from a passion to "build a better trainer" by combining results-driven science with advanced practical application. By perfecting these two disciplines, NAFC trainers become empowered to safely and successfully lead clients toward better health and improved quality of life.

CEC NAFC: 2.70    NESTA: 2.70    Valid for 24 months    

Price: $499.00
With Workshop : $699.00

Product Detail

  • Convenience - Study online at times and places that fit your busy schedule.
  • Online Testing - Take your certification exam whenever you're ready with secure online testing.
  • Unlimited Educational Support - If you have questions about the course materials, contact us!
  • Customer Support - Support both before and after you become certified.
  • Accreditation - NAFC is proud to be nationally accredited by the NBFE.

Our mission is the career success of all our students. You will appreciate the guidance and support you'll receive both during and after the certification program.

Through hands-on workshops and self-paced, interactive home-study, NAFC will mold your ambition into a highly refined skill-set that stands above all competition. Take the first step towards a career that improves lives. Enroll in the NAFC Personal Training program today.